"What if we're wrong?"
"What don't we know?"
"What did we not even think to ask?"
These are powerful questions that have the ability to change the course of any project. Finding the answers can be scary, but you don't need to be a Sherlock, Mulder, House, or even a UX research expert to get out of your bubble and find some answers. You know that relying only on internal experts can be limiting, but getting out there can be intimidating. However, your customers *want* to talk to you. They want to tell you everything you need to know to make them successful.
In this interactive session, you'll learn a repeatable framework for identifying your biggest risks, how to formulate a plan to address them, who you need to talk to, and how to find and engage them. We'll cover how to ask good questions and to separate real insights from false leads. You'll use your current situation for the exercises so that you will have the outline of a plan that you can start to execute. Even if you don't have the benefit of expert researchers, you can learn how to effectively engage your customers to learn the secrets they desperately want you to know.
Slide from Uncover the Secrets Your Customers Wish You Knew